Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 25 The detox has been kicked up a notch

Today I started taking my Sunrider products I started with Fortune Delight, NuPlus and Quinary. Thus the detox truly began today. I had 6 BM's and the night is not over. I started coughing after one of the NuPlus meals and I knew it was that. It already started clearing out the mucous in my lungs and digestive track. Even my sinuses felt swollen after my first meal this morning. A lot of gas too. I am told that is because of mucous and fat in the intestines.

I am working on 4 hours of sleep and still going so that tells you about my energy level. Tonight I hardly even coughed during volleyball. It is soooooo awesome knowing that the transformation is happening. I have known that I had been getting healthier and healthier but now I can see it, feel it and experience it in another level. Each time I participate in sports I can feel the improvement!!!! I am so grateful.

Nutrients of the day:
Fortune Delight, NuPlus and Quinary as a meal
1 Classic Cafe salad from Panera's
1 small piece of french baguette - not worth it, I felt bloated for a while afterwards
16 oz herbal tea
20 oz mineral water
8 oz Cafix
64 oz water
Fortune Delight, NuPlus and Quinary as a meal
Bee pollen

Quote of the day:
"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible -- and achieve it, generation after generation." - Pearl S. Buck
20 oz herbal tea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear friend,
I know what you are doing is making you feel so much better in ways. I have to say thought the day you forgot your oxygen really scared the sh-----out of me, but you were very sure it was ok and it was. "DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN"! I did enjoy reading your blog. This shows a side of you I have never known, and I have enjoyed. Keep on blogging.
Donna from Raw Foods Wealth 2 Health

Alissa Cohen Raw Food Store