Saturday, September 1, 2007

Day 6 - Happy Labor Day Weekend

On Thursday night I slept like a rock. I fell asleep just before midnight and I woke up at 3AM only to find myself in the same exact position that I fell asleep in. I believe the only reason why I got up was because I drank about 1/2 gallon of water while playing volleyball. It was humid! I fell fast asleep again until my alarm went off. ERRR I need extra sleep on the nights that I play hard and the humidity is high.
Well the highlight of the day was that I went out for lunch with a few co-workers. My first time eating out as a raw foodist. I had taken the makings of a salad to work so I had my own salad dressing. The dressing, I might add, is from Alissa's book and it is DELICIOUS! So we went to Panera's where I got my usual Classic Cafe salad but I ordered it with no dressing and my side was an apple. OK so this was not organic but I stayed raw. I am trying my best to eat only organic foods but I have to make some compromises at times. Anyway, I am very proud of myself. Though I might add that I was tempted because a friend of mine wanted a baguette from Panera's and of course I had to carry it. It was hot and smelled so good but I was good. I was great. I must say that I had visions of making a huge cafe con leche and dunking the bread in it.
Another great thing that happened was that they let us out of work early. That is always appreciated especially just before a holiday. I got home and looked up the mineral content of the Apollinaris water I was drinking. It has a pH of 5.8. Then I looked at another mineral water that I purchased but have not tried yet named Gerolsteiner and it has a pH of 5.9 and about 1/3 the sodium than Apollinaris. You can find all the details of these and other fine waters at It is best to drink water at a pH of 7 or above.
Nutrients of the day:
A green juice with E3Live
Alissa’s Chocolate cake
1/2 carob-quinoa rawma bar
Alissa's papaya-banana pudding
2 -Salads
2 Blonde Macaroons and
1 Chewy Almond Crunch Bar from

Bitter melons look a little prehistoric but they actually are quite good. If you are used to greens they do not taste so bitter but beware if you do not eat a lot of greens. I am giggling right now at the faces that people make. The seeds of this fruit are quite tasty and very crunchy. I actually enjoy them more than the fruit itself.

Live Life,

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