Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 29 kiwano horned melon

I found out the name of the melon I bought yesterday and it is kwano horned melon. Thai melon is native to Africa but it is also grown in New Zealand and other parts of the world. It has been around for over 3,000 years. This melon has a georgous orange rind with spikes and the inside has a yellowish, greenish flesh that has a consistency of jello. I have read mixed reviews on the taste from it being very bitter to it tasting like a cross between melon, limes, bananas and cucumbers. Now I am a little leary to try this but I will let you know tomorrow what I think of it. At the very least I could use the outside of this as a beautiful serving dish. Haha $4.00 for 2 temporary 4oz serving dishes. Let’s hope this is a delicious fruit. It is suppose to be high in vitamin A & C and high in fiber.

I played volleyball tonight and then I did some community work. Half of the volleyball players went and stuffed envelopes for a community day mailing. Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork.

Raw nutrients of the day:
E3live with fresh squeezed orange juice
NuPlus, Fortune Delgiht & Quinary
16oz green smoothie
32 oz water
Eggplant, peppers, & greens with baslamic vinegar
1 cup Cafix
48 oz water
½ gallon of water
16 oz green smoothie
NuPlus, Fortune Delgiht & Quinary
1 cup herbal tea

Quote of the day:
"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardship and decide not to surrender, that is strength." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Celebrate life,

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