Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day 10 – like minded people sprouting all over the place

Today I had a better appetite than I had the last three days. I did not cook anything special today but I did go to a raw food potluck dinner. The food was good and the people there were great. I felt at ease in all the conversations and I learned a lot. I found this on I typed in raw foods and my zip code and I found this group I learned about a new health food store in Princeton called Whole Earth Center, Sunrider super food products and I learned some about white and red blood cells. It was fascinating and I look forward to going again. It was very interesting speaking with people of all ages and backgrounds there.

I also started some sprouts a few days ago. I have some alfalfa and mung bean sprouts growing in my kitchen. I am going to try some chick pea and lentil sprouts too. I will probably try reading up on sprouting via the web or by buying a few books. The Sproutman comes to mind. I heard him on a few months back.

Nutrients of the day:
E3live w/ fresh squeezed orange juice
3 bananas
Herbal tea
1 chewy almond crunch bar
A huge salad
A variety of foods at the pot luck – kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, mango-butternut squash soup, flax seed cracker, eggplant parmesean, chocolate covered raisin, a cinnamon nut roll, watermelon and who can remember what else.

Quote of the day
"Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money and power and influence. It is no more or lessthan faith in action." - Henry Chester

Live life,

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