Thursday, December 6, 2007

A higly functional human being

I went to the doctor's office and my test results were favorable. I had pulmonary function tests got better than 6 months ago when the numbers had declined some and then we compared the numbers to my first test in August of 05 and the numbers were pretty much the same. So my disease has been stable for over 2.5 years. I do not want to seem ungrateful but I can say that I was not thrilled with the results. I want improvement and I want it now. Or should I say I want drastic improvements and I want them now. I did improve back to my baseline of 8/05. I go again in 6 months so we will see. I know that 3.5 months of raw foods is not going to turn back time so quickly. I will focus on some progress for June's 2008 tests.

When I told my doctor that at times I feel like I am not doing enough for my health he said he thinks that I do. He said that there are many patients that have the same results as I have in their pulmonary tests that do not do anything. He says you are a highly functional human being and you are doing everything you can. He just gets a big smile when I tell him I play volleyball 3 times a week. I have to practice more compassion for myself.

Nutrients of the day:
1 oz wheatgrass
1 oz E3Live algae
6 oz fresh squeezed OJ 1 sunbar
8 oz herbal tea
16 oz vegetable soup
1/4 sandwich with Life Force Rye Bread (yummy) and raw turkey salad
8 oz herbal tea
1 nuplus
1/2 slice raw cheesecake
8 oz herbal tea
1 oz E3Live
20 oz green smoothie with sprouts, coconut water, kale, blueberries, banana
32 oz apple-celery juice with Evergreen and Electrosport
7 slices of Yacun fruit
2 oz wheatgrass

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." -Ghandi

Celebrate Life,

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