Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Live Foods

Chlorella Tablets

Incan Golden Berries

Goji Berries

I am still on my raw foods diet but this time I have incorporated more live foods like miso and sprouts. I also have added more superfoods like macca and hemp seeds. I still love my blue green algae and I do not have many fruits. I have been trying to go without sugar for a while but that is a real challenge. I still have some raisins and goji berries as well as Incan golden berries in my cabinet that I do not want to discard. (My gosh, these foods sound like a totally different language. I would not know what these foods were a few years ago. Now they are normal terms in my household.)

I also want to get into Chlorella tablets since it is the richest natural source of chlorophyll. I also have different kinds of enzymes but I have not been consistent in taking them. So I am still and will always be a WIP (work in progress).

Celebrate Life,

1 comment:


I really applaud your decision and fully support your journey back to vibrant health and wholeness.

Raw foods have changed my life, for sure. I began transitioning to a diet of raw, living food about four months ago. Gone are the debilitating headaches, the chronic edema, fatigue, aching joints, fire-breathing dragon heartburn...oh, and over 60 pounds!

I'm a believer.

amazon.com from Raw Foods Wealth 2 Health

Alissa Cohen Raw Food Store